About Michael Bispinga's fight with Mark Munyosom persistent hearings go. It is expected that fight far not the last in the world средневесов will head the UFC Fight Night 30 tournament planned for October 26 in English Manchester.
Though Bisping says that else is solved nothing, and he precisely doesn't know who will be his rival.
"As for my fight with Munyosom, it everything hearings. I can't disprove or confirm them. We yet didn't sign contracts therefore I can't tell for certain to whom I should battle. If I fight with Mark, I will be delighted to it. But now prematurely to tell something. I saw its last performance. It was simply magnificent. Tim Boyetch was similar to a plush toy. Муньос did with it everything that wanted. It was fight of the applicant for a champion's title", – "Count" considers.
Record is published by the author serfed