Chuck Palanik will write continuation of the cult novel "Fight club". About it it is reported on an official site of the American writer.
For the first time Palanik told about intention to write the sequel at the Comic-Con festival which took place in San Diego from July 18 to July 21. There the writer met fans, communicated with journalists, spoke about the latest book Doomed ("Fateful"), and also about work over which he is going to work.
Continuation of "Fight club" leaves in the form of the graphic novel, allegedly, no later than 2015. According to the writer, he already met representatives of Marvel, DC and Dark Horse publishing houses. Palanik told that, most likely, it will be the series of books telling about the main characters of the novel in ten years after events, described in the original book.
This time the narration will be led not on behalf of the main character of the first book (his name wasn't called earlier, now Palanik decided to name him Jack), and by his alter ego of Tyler Derden who will rush into boring life got married Jack and Marla. Tyler will kidnap their son, and in Jack's enduring the next crisis life, the chaos will begin.
"fight club" left in 1994, in 1999 on the basis of the novel David Ffincher shot the movie of the same name which got over time the status of the cult. Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Helena acted in a film Bonham Carter.
The main hero of "Fight club" — the Story-teller — the typical representative of middle class on whom society and culture of the consumption, suffering sleeplessness presses. He meets hero Brad Pitt, the dealer in soap of Tyler Derden who founds the organization which is engaged in carrying out underground fights and vandalism. Over time the Story-teller understands that Derden — is part of his subconsciousness which he tried to hide.