The veteran of MMA Dan Henderson (29-10) told about the reasons which have induced it to refuse from testosterone - replacing therapy (TZT) before the UFC 161 tournament where it suffered defeat by the separate decision from Rashad Evans (18-3-1).
Earlier this week results of doping tests from the UFC 161 tournament, and also the statement from the representative of the athletic commission according to whom any of participants of tournament didn't use TZT came. Dan Henderson commented on this information as follows:
"Everything conducted to that the commission won't approve it therefore I simply ceased to apply TZT. I refused procedure in six-eight weeks prior to fight. I talked to the doctor, and we decided that it shouldn't deliver special problems. In any case, I never raised with its help testosterone above norm.
To me it was thought that the commission can not allow the fighter, if that doesn't provide the proof of that this therapy, more weighty, than simply lowered level of testosterone, for example - a hypophysis disease is necessary for it. But it is not my case. Me wouldn't allow to a duel therefore I simply discussed everything with the doctor and I ceased to apply TZT.
I didn't feel a special difference. I was a little tired, felt worse here and there, but as a whole, my this training camp didn't differ from the previous. By preparation for the last fights I had problems with attacks of asthma. I often suffered from them in the childhood. It seemed to me earlier that TZT nullified them.
It is hard to say, as far as I am helped by this therapy. I never noticed a special difference. I know only that my doctor says that it is useful to me. It seems, with it I am ill slightly less often, and is a little more vigorous, than usually", - Henderson told.