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Tamirlan Dadayev vs Nick Hain

Monday, 15 July 2013, 10:16
Tamirlan Dadayev vs Nick Hain

On the twentieth of July to Stuttgart (Germany) will pass the international tournament on the mixed single combats —«Defenders fighting chаmpionship».

As reports chechensport.com, one of the youngest and perspective fighters, 19-year-old Tamirlan Dadayev will take part in competitions. Against the Chechen fighter there is a German Nick Hain (Nick Hein) with a record of 7 victories at 1 defeat. Dadayev's record more solid, despite so young age (Tamirlan debuted on a professional ring in 16 years), in three years our fighter carried out 20 fights, from them in 16 won a victory. Nick in the last fight won unbeaten at that time Robert Rastuchu, Tamirlan extreme fight carried out on February 23 this year against Johnny Kruschinski, and won the unanimous decision of judges.
Tamirlan a sort from page of Alkhan-Kal of the Grozny area. After military operations in Chechnya went abroad. 10 years lives and trains in Austria, acts in weight category to 77 kg.


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