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Fight club "Alany" passes blow

Friday, 12 July 2013, 15:18
Fight club

The hall of fight club "Alany" goes under demolition

The room on Tamayev St., 30 in which one and a half years passed trainings of club of the mixed single combats of "Alans Club", in the next months will be dismantled. The head of fight club Oleg Marzoyev reported about this Gradus.Pro.
 - So it turned out that because of moment lack of interaction between us, such misunderstanding left the power and builders here. The problem that to us exact terms of dismantle weren't known — explains Oleg Marzoyev.
According to him, hearings about demolition of the building went one and a half years ago. Then to fight club allocated the room around the Central market. But since then the management of club managed to create volume material resources. For one hundred people to find the room not too difficult, but to find for the area for a ring, a wrestling mat, exercise machines, pears yet it isn't possible:
— We paid much attention to formation of material resources that pupils had conditions for effective development. It turns out, now we appeared hostages of "eagerness".
Oleg Marzoyev emphasizes that "in the circumstances nobody is guilty". The press service of AMS suggested Oleg to write the missive addressed to Sergey Dzantiyev.
— If we knew that we have 2 weeks, certainly the letter would be written. But because of a razmytost of terms it was unclear when it was necessary to address to the mayor.
The head of club of "Alana" recognizes that from their party delay was. But it is impossible to tell that athletes looked at a situation, having put hands:
- We addressed in AMS divisions, wanted to receive information on the free rooms being in the state or municipal ownership. Planned to find at first, and then already to ask it from the mayor. But, unfortunately, we weren't in time. Because the majority of spacious rooms which would suit us, are leased for big money. All the rest is occupied, there is no wish to restrict someone — the head of club speaks.
To excite public opinion and there will be no club for pickets.
— It is simpler to put the equipment in garage and to continue to look for the spacious room, than to create confrontations — Oleg Marzoyev declared.
That will construct on a place of the 18th school — it isn't clear yet. According to unchecked information, the city administration appropriated this ground for construction of the latest many-tier parking. On strange combination of circumstances, about parking construction today I reported a site http://dagestan.news-r.ru/news/society/vo_vladikavkaze_khotyat_stroit_mnogoyarusnye_parkovki/
However the representative of AMS declared that "it only hearings, and that no documents for construction while are present".


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