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Thursday, 11 July 2013, 13:34

The ex-contender a title of the champion of Bellator on the average weight Maykel Falkao (31-5) and his friend Cayo Mena (7-0), injured in the street fight which has begun because of Falkao, were officially excluded from training team for unworthy behavior.

About it the official statement made by the leader of the Renovacao Fight Team team of Marcelo Brigadeyro and published on one of the Brazilian portals says:
"I, Marcelo Brigadeyro acting as the leader of the Company Fight/RFT team, want to express the position concerning a regrettable episode with participation of athletes Cayo Mena and Maykela Falkao.
First of all, I would like to specify that I don't believe in innocence any of participants of incident. Each of them was wrong to some extent.
Maykel Falkao's which have served as the reason for everything the actions that occurred in spite of the fact that weren't aggression manifestation as many could interpret them, nevertheless, were extremely disrespectful and incompatible with ideas of behavior of the professional athlete.
Reaction of aggressors, in turn, was not equivalent, cowardly and criminal. Cayo Mena nowadays staying in a coma in office of intensive therapy, also bears on himself part of fault for an event as the professional athlete simply had no need to be on the street in so late time.
Also I want to note that the behavior of these two athletes doesn't parry behavior of all our team. We are known as one of the most successful teams in the world, we train as one family which each member behaves adequately and as it befits the true practician of martial arts.
Falkao's behavior and Maine doesn't correspond to in what they were trained by me, and to that my pupils practise. Not that our sponsors and commercial partners want to see it from us.
I consider that as experts and practicians of martial arts, we shouldn't be connected with night life at all, fights, quarrels and alcohol consumption. We are obliged to be an example for society and, first of all, for children who look at us as on heroes.
Those who well know me, know also with what love I approach to work with the pupils. I treat them as to sons, including - and to Maykel Falkao and Cayo Mene. However, as the instructor, or "father" as they call me, I can't close an eye to offenses of the guys.
In connection with everything that was mentioned above, I officially declare that Maykel Falkao and Cayo Mena any more aren't team members of Company Fight/RFT.
I hope that this tragedy will serve as a lesson for all of us. We not in forces to foresee, how strongly the random error can change all our life. I want that everyone, decided to devote the life to martial arts, understood that it isn't simple to be the athlete a choice of a way of earning money, but acceptance of special vital philosophy which demands self-sacrifice, discipline and obedience", - declared to Marcelo Brigadeyro.
As for the guilty athletes, that, according to the last information, Falkao it was soon discharged from hospital without serious damages, and Maine crosses improvement signs, however still is in a critical condition.


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