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Sunday, 07 July 2013, 10:40

The history of the homeless fighter who participates in amateur tournaments from Syktyvkar to Chechnya and gets enough sleep only in trains …

The nose which has moved down on one side, beard with streaks of gray, dissonant ranks of the teeth, noticeable defect of speech. In hands two packages, through a shoulder a bag, in a bag the laptop, Turgenev's volume, gloves for the mixed single combats, shorts. In the 41 Vyacheslav of "Ali Woman" Yurovsky — the main MMA-traveler of Russia. Him beat in Lermontov's estate, it met a wall on a wall in Perm, without the passport went to fight to Chechnya, fell in a terrible knockout in the city of Kingisepp.

Here it is advisable to explain why Vyacheslav carries with himself a bag and two packages: he has no place to leave things. Passed 12 years since he became a homeless.

— 12 years with breaks — are specified by him. — There were four years when I worked as the watchman of one little shop on "Mayakovsky". There also I lived.

— Where you spent the night yesterday?

— At an entrance. And a pozapozavcher — in the Annino subway subway.

* * *

To the estate Lermontovykh-Stolypinykh it is necessary to go to Serednikovo from the Leningrad station, to come to Firsanovk's stations, and "Mtsyri's" Sanatorium (in the estate there was an antitubercular sanatorium) is farther by bus number 40 to a final stop ". When on August 19, 2011 Ali-Baba drove up to "Mtsyri's" stop, it had still rather whole nose.

In the estate under supervision of the grandnephew of the poet fights of the cannibal T-1 version were carried out. It is enough to tell that the lying rival there can hit into a face both the put foot, and a forehead. Exactly so Ali-Baba also hit.

— When it struck with the head, I thought: "Fuck-up". And then he got up and struck with the put foot trampling-down facer. In total shocked, my nose is broken. To me speak: "You will set? " And I so well began to breathe, so accurately started saying that decided to refuse. In vain, certainly: this effect quickly passed. But after T-1 to me it is already terrible nothing.

In the evening of the same day Ali went to St. Petersburg on the Arrow tournament. There it, having got confused in rules, I butted the young rival and it was disqualified: "Arrow" nevertheless T-1 is incomparable more philanthropically, than. But it is difficult not to beat the head on Saturday if you beat the head on Friday.

Vyacheslav went to the Chechen city of the Shawl not only without money, but also without the passport. In day of departure he understood that lost him. Without the passport it should reach to Petersburg — and already from there together with the Petersburg national team to get on the train to Gudermes.

— Me, as a rule, twice a day for verification of documents stop, but here the Moscow police helped: made quickly the certificate of loss, saw to the train, all explained to the conductor. I as decided to go to Chechnya: I learned that form the national team of Petersburg for a trip to Shawls, and fitted in. I usually act in category to 70 kg, but there was a place only in 65 so I almost didn't eat two days of traveling that to get to weight. In general journey and a food were paid, for a victory 10 000 rubles, paid for defeat — 5000. Only it was necessary to give at first the money for the ticket, and I didn't have them. I went by miracle: the person whom I the first time saw, learned that I want to go on fight to Chechnya, and gave so much money, how many at it was in a pocket. Just like that, with all the heart.

In Ali's train slept off, I starved and I got used to a new kappa which in the same place I welded in cool boiled water. He didn't want to put on it fight very much.

— If I put on a kappa, it at once a minus from a dykhalka. My nose doesn't breathe after T-1. But judges often forbid to leave without a kappa. Here and in Chechnya so was.

In Chechnya Ali at the filled stadium of the city of the Shawl lost on points to the local 21-year-old champion on MMA and fighting sambo. After fight to Vyacheslav handed over 5000 rubles and a dagger.

* * *

— I have a congenital defect of speech. When I was born, to mother spoke: "Refuse it, he is a freak, why it is necessary to you? " Mother with me was worn out, of course, still names middle names of doctors remembers. 10 operations were. To parents I am very grateful that didn't refuse me. They were afraid to bring then the second child, but the brother was born the normal. I studied nine years at boarding school in the Urals. View from the window: on a hillock prison, nearby cemetery. I thought then: and after all there were people at whom all life passed in this triangle. Boarding school — prison — a cemetery.

After a boarding school Vyacheslav graduated from art school in Kazakhstan, in the 1993rd arrived on Moscow State University journalism faculty (in the same year I arrived, for example, Dana Borisova), in the 1998th became the graduate student.

— When studied, always I was hungry. Grant to me didn't pay therefore I collected bottles. They were saved in my room and were given in a rainy day. Thanks to it bread and even any fiction was bought. I remember, once there arrived mother, came into my room in a hostel and saw, how many there bottles: "Glory, you that, drink?"

On Ali's fifth year I went to university section of sambo — and somehow so left that after

the ends of study he began to teach physical culture to students of journalism faculty. Already then he had no place to live.

— I went to teach in hope that to me will allocate the room in a hostel. In the first year of work I spent the night in cellars, at stations, month three slept in the car of the student — it is how possible to fall asleep in the car in the winter. Waited subway opening, I dozed a couple of hours — and I went to teach. In trainer's it was impossible to remain: it was closed in the evening. At university I earned 2000 rubles a month. In four years I didn't get work of the room — and went the watchman to shop for 12 000.

It worked as the loader, the security guard in a pothouse, the courier, the correspondent, the photographer, the observer at elections, the waiter on a ball of Olympians, acted in mass meeting in three movies: "Mother", "Poisons, or the World history of poisonings", "The horseback rider by the name of Death". We spoke in total about eight hours — and time 10 minutes Vyacheslav steadily remembered with whom it worked still.

— You in a booth sometime sat? Fine develops claustrophobia. And in the winter it is such refrigerator. For the night you sit down — at daybreak in a glass ice floats.

Ali-Baba sleeps at night a little. One of its worst spending the night was shortly before departure for the Spirit of the Soldier tournament to Yekaterinburg: it spent nearly five hours in a subway at subzero temperature. Vyacheslav was in three trousers, but all the same quickly enough died and warmed up to be warmed. Time in such cases goes especially slowly.

— Doors on Annino station open at 5:35 on even days, and on the odd — at 5:45. Certainly, I stood there in odd day. It seemed, these never will come to an end 10 minutes. At night I if sleep, parts. If at an entrance, at the best from two to five. The main thing — to hold on before subway opening. Then it is possible to get on the train and to doze on the ring. The leaf of a block sports calendar where dream phases were painted once got to me. That is it is possible to sleep a little, but there is enough to get enough sleep. In Moscow area I somehow time spent the night in a lodge at a playground. I lay there with the edges broken at competitions. It was the horror film: bugs, mosquitoes, spiders, ants. Hardly waited the first electric train.

* * *

Generally Ali-Baba has a house: in the industrial Volga city of N-ske there live his parents and the brother. Recently it went there for few months to restore the passport.

— N-sk exhausts from me all forces. In Moscow I go to theater, at cinema, on concerts. Only for yesterday I met Alexander Shirvindt, saw Tom Cruise, descended in Peter Fomenko's theater. And there I sit in the apartment and week I save forces to descend in shop. Slow and ruthless degradation. Plus continuous emissions from plants — a window leaf you won't open. The most tremendous that in Moscow I can spend the night at an entrance, and to go to "Ritz Carlton" on Schwarzenegger's press conference in the morning.

Vyacheslav gets invitation in theater and cinema, is accredited at a press conference (for the first time I saw him alive few years ago when it asked a fairly clever question to Fedor Emelyanenko), it is sober and tidy — in it not to identify the homeless.

— There are people at whom I can be washed, wash things. The other day I went to erase to the acquaintance, and at her all balcony is bequeathed linen. And I dried things at an entrance: on a handrail, on the battery.

It is more interesting to watch Ali Woman's movements, than the majority of tournaments on MMA in Russia. It publishes the notes on mmablog.ru where to it Nikolay Buharin — companion Ali-Baba on university section of sambo suggested to blog, and now the inhabitant of Canada and the owner of a black belt on the Brazilian ju-jitsu.

— I don't look fights, I participate in them. But when me call the fighter — it ridiculously. I am not a fighter, and the parody. I am not able to fight.

Vyacheslav's successful fight in the mixed single combats looks so: he patiently eats blows in the head, then клинчует, transfers the rival to orchestra seats — and there already leaves on suffocating or painful. In fights it injured a shoulder, a clavicle, a waist, knees, fingers, edges, foot — and anything from this didn't treat: the edge and foot, say, grew together incorrectly. Why he in general started fighting, Vyacheslav can't explain neither the mother, nor. It simply began.

— For me it is a Saturday attraction. I hammer into "Yandex": "Fight competitions". Also free-style wrestling in the Eagle gets out, for example. If it turns out to borrow money for the ticket, I go there. I very much was afraid of the first competitions, me so shook — and when went in the train and when came to a carpet. Most of all I was afraid that it will write down on video and will post in the Internet. Same it is so a shame!

Now the network is hammered with fights with Ali Woman's participation — from Syktyvkar to the Shawl. Even more often its performances are broadcast: On March 30 it was on "Spirit of the soldier" in Yekaterinburg (translation went on the Internet), and on May 9 fought at the Petersburg stadium "Petrovsky" in the ending of tournament of street fights of "Shooter" which will show the Fighter channel. At competitions more small fights are written on Vyacheslav's camera.

— I always spoke to people: if me kill, all the same remove. The camera if that, you leave.

Author: Alexander Lyutikov, photo: Ivan Kaydash


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