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Dana White and his enemies

Wednesday, 03 July 2013, 09:48
Dana White and his enemies

Speak to understand the person it is necessary to understand his enemies. I look the reality show Bellator Fight Master, I tie small knots. Three from four trainers - enemies of a tireless matershinik of the President of UFC of Dana White.

The fourth - the ex-champion of Bellator in semi-lightweight of Joe Uorren, Dana, apparently, to it generally affairs aren't present.  Against remaining Warren looks naively:  loudly shouts during fights "finish off it", too strongly it tries to be pleasant to fighters.  Actually in Urren's acts there is a logic.  It has no so loud reputation as at Kutyur, Jackson and Shemrok, he tries to compensate it an emotional involvement and a pressure.  "I will teach you to fight and the correct spirit", it is inspired it repeats over and over again to each of fighters.  It is unlikely he is capable to teach something else, but doesn't say lies. 
Greg Jackson raises hands, having caught to itself in a command of the double champion of All-American on Greco-Roman wrestling of Eric Bradley.  Eric has being remembered hairdress and excellent skills of fight.  But even Greg's this victorious gesture looks guarded, made with caution.  The feeling of a constant easy fright is combined at Jackson with loud reputation, and aggravated feeling of own importance:  "I am engaged in innovations twenty years". 
Eric Bradley is known well by Randi Kutyur, six years ago in his hall, Eric started being engaged in mA. "Eric where you were? ", - asks Randi the former pupil. "Generally, the last few years - in prison". Randi stares. A little later starts saying cowardly that Bradley doesn't suffice skills painful and suffocating on the earth, and with it he will be helped better by other trainers. Eric sat for property theft on twenty thousand from the territory of the university. There is nothing is proud, of course, but also to serious crime you won't carry. "Randi Kutyur – the man only in a cell", - told about the foe Dana White. Kutyur tracks selection fights, sitting in a convenient, leather trainer's seat. Randi is flasque and almost amorphous. Probably it doesn't have business to anything in life except beautiful women and development of cunning tactical plans for own fights. After Randi's inference of the contract with Bellator Dana promised not to say Kutyur's name and not to let Randi on UFC fights.  Even as the second of his son Ryan. 
"Eric Bradley in Jackson's command is in a certain level a problem", - Frank Shemrok argues off-screen, "if he manages to turn fight into a boxing and fight match, can benefit all the show".  Shemrok, breaks into a dance, having caught in a command of the fighter necessary to it, троллит remaining trainers, advises to the fighters who haven't interested it Greg Jackson's camp.  In the best years Shemrok was absolutely quite good, perhaps, the first champion of UFC at that time with reasonable claims for a rank of the universal fighter.  Its absence in the Hall of Glory of UFC almost is more indicative, than presence there half of other his members.  However, the reasons of its conflict to Dana are rather obvious.  Frank, the person itself calling the Legend, - the pronounced competitive personality.  Randi got used not to concede inch in a cell, Shemrok, as well as Tito Aurtis, worked out years a habit not to concede inch ANYWHERE.  It is this doesn't love those who is too similar to it. 
Author Alexey Alekhin


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