On the first event of Global Warrior Challenge fighters from the USA and Britain battled.
The former wrestler Bobbie Leshli won against Matt Larsson the principal fight of evening suffocation from a back. The former champion of UFC in a heavy weight Rikko Rodriguez conceded in soglavny fight to Martsin Lazarza the unanimous decision of judges.
The finalist of The Ultimate Fighter 9 André Vinner won against the former fighter of UFC other fights Drew Fiketta the unanimous decision of judges, the winner of The Ultimate Fighter 3 Kendal Groove knocked out Danny Mitchell in the first round and the former fighter of WEC Elsi Davis won against James Sevill the unanimous decision of judges.
GWC 1 — results of an event
Bobbie Leshli won against Matt Larsson delivery (suffocation behind) P1 1:38
Martsin Lazarz won against Rikko Rodriguez the decision (solidly)
André Vinner won Drew Fiketta the decision (solidly)
Kendal Groove won against Danny Mitchell a technical knockout P1 4:53
Olya Thompson won against Kevin Asplund a technical knockout P1 3:21
Elsi Davis won against James Sevill the decision (solidly)
Deymen Leyk won against Jack Hyun delivery (suffocation behind) P1 4:34
Jack Marshman won against Vayne Cole a technical knockout P1 1:26
Max Núnez won against Justin Davis a technical knockout P1 2:39
Michael Johnson won against Gérôme Martinez the decision (solidly)
Jack Murphy won against Tony Hervi the decision (solidly)
Author Vovan Zamorsky