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Saturday, 29 June 2013, 10:25

In Petersburg, on June 27, in Astoria hotel the round table on a subject "Sports as national idea took place. Economy of sports and sports business". As the organizer of action the newspaper editorial office "Sheets, and the main partner - Management of the World Games of martial arts acted.

What advantages of cooperation of business and the largest competitions on martial arts? Questions of development of this sports branch in Russia became the main subject for discussion at the held conference.
According to the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Youth Affairs Igor Ananskogo the subject of a round table isn't casual, interest to sports grows and in recent years in Russia a lot of things are made for its development and promoting. The state takes active part in creation of infrastructure, support of athletes and trainers.
"Single combats and martial arts – effectively developing direction in sports, it it is necessary to support, - the head of Management of Games Pavel Zhuravlyov noted. – It is the unique project, it shows a role of single combats in the modern world and doesn't demand big investments into construction of sports infrastructure. Besides, we have some sources of financing, respectively, we can develop a marketing platform. Organizing Games, we cooperate together with the state, the government of Petersburg in the person of governor Georgy Poltavchenko, public structure - the Russian Union of martial arts, financial partners".
According to Ilya Galkin representing the manufacturing company of Lukhta clothes, the conditions of partnership offered by Management were clear and transparent.
He also noted that the large companies are ready to support similar projects, but very few people address to them and if ask about financial support, can't provide the accurate plan of use of the sponsor's help.
"The management of the World Games of martial arts is one of our best experiences of cooperation. We willingly work with the sports organizations as a carrier. Let's try to do everything possible that Games took place at the highest level", - the director of corporate communications of "Transaero" Mikhail Vilkovsky declared.
"Almost all national teams already decided on a line-up which will arrive in the fall to Petersburg. Generally it is leading Russian athletes, winners of large international tournaments. We hope that athletes will make a speech adequately, as well as at the First World Games of martial arts", - Gabbasov concluded.
The chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Youth Affairs Igor Anansky, the head of Management of the World Games of martial arts Pavel Zhuravlyov, the executive director of the Russian Union of martial arts Ramil Gabbasov, the sales director of the Lukhta company Ilya Galkin, the director of corporate communications of "Transaero" took part in conference Mikhail Vilkovsky, the executive director of "BCA Marketing" Dmitry Lyuty, the vice-president "Khimki of Groups" Dmitry Kotrovsky, the marketing director of the northwest region of "Sberbank" Andrey Samokhin, the head of special projects of the OMK company Ekaterina Golovkin, the director of northwest office of Sogaz insurance company Yury Mikhaylov, the marketing manager of the Tissot company Anna Chernyshkova and other experts.


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