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In Dnepropetrovsk passed fights without rules

Monday, 24 June 2013, 12:36
In Dnepropetrovsk passed fights without rules

On Saturday, June 22, in Dnepropetrovsk took place tournament on the mixed fights "Fight on Dnepr"

Champions of areas, Ukraine and even the world gathered in Dnepropetrovsk on various fighting disciplines from different areas. 11 fights were carried out, however any of them didn't terminate in a knockout.
Fights took place in several weight categories, from 61 kg to 93+ kg. To be overcome in the updated and expanded octagonal cage there arrived fighters from Donetsk, Lugansk, Nikolaev and, of course, Dnepropetrovsk the areas, in total more than 20 people. Though in all two hours any fight didn't terminate in a knockout, there were a little enough effective victories gained practically in a minute. And, the Dnepropetrovsk fighters though not always won, but quite adequately protected the clubs.
Evening began rather seriously: the president of Patriot club asked all participants and guests this day, day of the beginning of war, to observe a minute of silence for the soldiers who were lost in the Great Patriotic War. Well, and after so solemn opening the main thing – actually fights began.
The situation that evening was heated: girls in horror closed palms of companies, fighters weren't sorry neither the opponent, nor, trainers tried to make heard to the wards, and the audience couldn't tear off views from октагона. And, of course, didn't do without traditional dances on the verge of a sensuality – beautiful girls in the extremely minimalistic clothes pleased present not with one incendiary number.


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