The champion of UFC Rhonda Rauzi (7-0) collapsed with sharp criticism to boy friend Mischa Teyt (13-4) Bryans Kereueya (18-6).
"In itself Mischa isn't so bad. But Mischa in combination with her boy friend, "Mr. of Tate" is already absolutely other person. It changes, when it nearby. I can't suffer it.
I really think that if it wasn't with it, it would do good to her career and its personality... but it is always pasted to her hip because if it not near it, nobody notices it", - told Rauzi.
Let's remind that in March of last year Brian Kereuey entered the conflict to Rhonda Rauzi having published in the Twitter the message: "if Rauzi wants to battle to the man, I will beat out her teeth in a throat and I will break a hand".
One more scandal with participation of Kereueya inflamed this month: Nathe Diaz (18-6) was fined $20,000 for statements in his party, allegedly containing gomofobny implication.
Besides, the top fighter of the female UFC division of Kat Tsingano (8-0) recently I reported that before fight with Mischa Teyt (13-4) Kereuey intentionally I hit with her elbow on a nape behind a slip of procedure of weighing.