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Friday, 10 May 2013, 14:02

The champion of UFC and one of the best fighters of MMA regardless of weight John Jones (18-1), acting in an air, answered a question of the correspondent of an outcome of a hypothetical duel with the top line of a rating of p4p in boxing by Floyd Meyuezer (44-0 in boxing).

Questions were asked throughout a subject of opposition of top boxers popular today and fighters of MMA embodied in statements from Tyler Fyyuri (21-0 in boxing) an idzhunior Santos's DOS (15-2).

"If to be honest, I think that if this fight takes place with use only hands, it will be rather equal. But such duel has a little the general with real life.

If you can run into fight, let us assume, in the bar, you won't be able to tell the opponent: "Well, let's not to beat frankly feet, not to bring down on a floor and not to stretch each other a shirt".

I consider that MMA is a true art of conducting fight. There are more than opportunities.

I don't think that fight with Meyuezer makes sense. Nobody will want to see it. James Tony tried to get into UFC about two years ago, and lost in the first round. Don't contact fighters of MMA, it can do is expensive to you to manage. It is bad idea", - Jones declared.

This statement was commented by sports observer Larry Brown known in the West:

"I know that Jones is considered the genius of MMA, and that it has enormous advantage in sizes over Floyd, which growth of 173 cm and weight - 66,5 kg. But let's be realists: Meyuezer is one of the best boxers of a planet.

If to speak strictly about boxing, Jones's level is perhaps lower than an average. Irrespective of the size, Meyuezer will win this fight.

And at all don't start parting demagogy on the subject "and if by rules MMA". As James Tony already showed, in UFC there is no place to boxers. There in general there is nothing to do if you are incompetent in fight and you have no skills of ju-jitsu", - Brown told.


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