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Ismail Nukayev – the prize-winner of the championship of France on ju-jitsu

Thursday, 25 April 2013, 09:31
Ismail Nukayev – the prize-winner of the championship of France on ju-jitsu

In the past revival at stadium of a name of Pierre de Coubertin in Paris passed the Brazilian ju-jitsu championship of France.

Our compatriot Ismail Nukayev participating in the championship won silver, and a day earlier, at the same stadium 
Ismail started being fond of sports since young years and tried many types of single combats, but to be engaged in the Brazilian ju-jitsu and to act among professionals of the beginnings when moved to France at the beginning 2000-h.zanyal the second place on related style to the Brazilian ju-jitsu – грепплигу.
- All my impressions positive: the city, the action organization, the atmosphere of competitions - everything was pleasant, – Ismail Nukayev shared. - As a whole in Paris I am happy with performance though, of course, I realize that is where to raise and eat over what to work. In fact, this start was for me test: still I in a good form also started preparing already for Open de France which has to will take place at the end of May of this year, – the master of sports Ismail Nukayev noted.


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