Still any eight years ago such sport as free-style wrestling, it was almost not developed in Stepnogorsk. The situation changed when in 2006 the free-style wrestling coach Raimbek Zhaketov decided to move from Petropavlovsk to Stepnogorsk. As then it appeared, having made such decision, our hero pulled out the happy ticket.
In Stepnogorsk Raimbek Zhaketov by chance met in the yard of one of schools of the teenager which drew at once his attention the athletic constitution. It appeared that the boy call Andrey Danilov and he lives in stepnogorsky orphanage. The trainer went to the director of orphanage Raisa Anatolyevna Sakhnevich to talk about Andrey's sports future, and unexpectedly for itself met in her face of the real adherent.
Remembering this meeting, Raisa Anatolyevna tells: "I always try to go on such way: if the child doesn't show interest to study, is engaged unclear than, so it is necessary to find something like that that in his life yet wasn't that could carry away it really. Therefore I with such enthusiasm accepted Raimbek Zhaketov's proposal to open at orphanage section on free-style wrestling".
So in 2006 in Stepnogorsky orphanage there was a new sports section in which became interested not only boys, but also girls.
It is hard to say, who was lucky more – to the director of orphanage or the trainer, but their union was extremely happy. They decided at once "to take occasion by the forelock" and safely undertook the organization in Stepnogorsk of tournament on free-style wrestling, having invited to participation of "wrestlers" almost from all republic. Money for competitions, of course, wasn't. Then Raisa Anatolyevna asked for the help citizens – and sponsors were. Tournament took place at very good level, and the main thing, beginning stepnogorsky "wrestlers" had an excellent opportunity loudly to declare themselves all over the country.
But it isn't enough to declare itself - it is necessary to justify this demand still. Also wearisome work began: the trainer - over pupils, and pupils – over itself. It is possible to tell that really career of the trainer Zhaketov developed in Stepnogorsk. In eight years of trainer's work in orphanage Raimbek Zhaketov managed to prepare three masters of the sports, four candidates for the master of the sports, seven of his pupils are included in national teams of the country on various age. Each of these athletes of Jackets raised and I fostered not one year, having forgotten about days off and holidays. And eventually daily trainings began to bring expected results. Only in two years of persistent trainings Andrey Danilov could achieve tremendous results. He became the champion of Akmolinsky area of 2007, and then three times - the prize-winner of republican competitions among school students. Other pupil of the trainer Zhaketov - Dmitry Teplov – became the champion of Akmolinsky area of 2009. But the girl achieved the most significant progress, strangely enough. Aleksandra Chernysheva became the champion of Kazakhstan among school students twice, and Svetlana Sergeyeva became the bronze prize-winner of the championship of Asia of 2012.
The special talent in this sport was shown by twin sisters Elmira and Elvira Abilkairovy. Elmira received a title of the silver prize-winner of the championship of Asia of 2011, and Elvira won the World Cup among juniors of 2013. Progress of sisters so impressed the senior trainer of a national team of Akmolinsky area that he included them in the team, having offered as housing own house. Now the sister Abilkairova study and train in Kokshetau, and for their future, apparently, it is possible not to worry.
It seems that the big future ahead at two pupils of Stepnogorsky orphanage. Two years ago Raimbek Zhaketov's two schoolgirls - Svetlana Sergeyeva and Aleksandra Chernysheva were accepted for study in OShIOSD. It now, having champion titles, girls are under the auspices of sports community of the country. And there was time when in order that they could take part in the next competitions or collecting outside the city, to the director of orphanage each time it was necessary to go begging to city businessmen. But also, Raisa Sakhnevich speaks, she was compelled constantly отпрашивать girls from lessons. Therefore the decision to continue their training at children's sports school on preparation of the Olympic reserve where the main subject are sports was made. Thus, sending the pupils to OShIOSD, the director of orphanage set a firm condition that still they will be trained by Raimbek Zhaketov.
Listening to the story about achievements of young "outlaws", I was perplexed: than the rough, power sport could attract gentle, fragile girls? Another matter – gymnastics or figure skating. Raisa Sakhnevich speaks about it: "I think, to pupils of orphanage it is important in respect of self-defense and self-confidence. Besides, for our girls power trainings are an exit of the saved-up negative, "evil" energy. However, sometimes there were also failures when in response to requirements of the trainer, girls refused to go to classes. Yes, sports are a huge work, infinite self-restriction, rigid discipline. Not each adult is capable to maintain the such. And here children … In such cases I always spoke to them: it isn't enough to want to be the champion - for this purpose still it is necessary to make much. Professors they hardly become, and to receive a sports international recognition and a good profession in the future – can. Probably, it is their only chance in life. Also you know, they listened to my words and drew the correct conclusions. Now, happens, laugh, remembering as hid under a bed, without wishing to go for the next training".
Raisa Anatolyevna saw result of these conversations when one of young sportswomen - Svetlana Sergeyeva - suffered a serious injury at competitions. Wishing to save the girl from bitter disappointment, the director of orphanage started training carefully her for that further sports career on it can end, and suddenly heard in reply: "I will be a champion. I pledge you the word! ". It were words any more teenage girls, and the adult who precisely knows that wants from life.
And Svetlana proved that she has the true champion character, - already in half a year after a trauma acted in competitions on a cup of Kazakhstan among adults. The first adult experience was successful. Sveta became the strongest in weight to 55 kg and executed the standard of the master of sports.
It is interesting that the aspiration to become the first on a carpet became at little girls incentive for good study. Well and how differently? It is difficult to imagine the athlete with a world name, which during interview he can't put two words together. And Sasha Chernysheva has now a specific goal – to get next year on the First World Olympic youthful Games in Beijing. And now it is possible to tell that to some extent words and wishes of the director of orphanage came true. Names of all the stepnogorskikh of "outlaws" are well-known in world sports. And life of these girls became much brighter, than before. They won prestigious international tournaments, visited the different countries of the world - Sweden, Bulgaria, Turkey, Thailand, Serbia and many others. Several years ago they and couldn't dream of it. Thanks to progress of young sportswomen from Stepnogorsk the Akmolinsky area is the leader in Kazakhstan on free-style wrestling. The trainer Zhaketov lifted the pupils on a sports pedestal, and they, in turn, helped it to rise on a trainer's career ladder. Champion titles of young sportswomen allowed Raimbek Zhaketov to receive the second, then the first highest qualification category, and recently he submitted an application for the right of receiving a rank of the honored trainer of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
She says: "If though two-three children after leaving orphanage live adequately, so everything that we did, was not for nothing".