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Nadezhda: avoids near fight

Friday, 22 November 2013, 11:07
Nadezhda: avoids near fight

In it while young biography dances and ushu-sanda left a trace. When with sister Ania they came to model studio of the dance "Surprise" under the leadership of Nadezhda Hristolyubova, Nadia there were years three.

To the sister — five! Girls liked to dance, but it didn't develop into deep hobby. And here ushu-sanda Nadia was engaged six years and became the master of sports. The section settled down at school No. 22, in the neighbourhood with Nadia's apartment. It was convenient to visit. Not at all competitions it was seen by parents and the sister because competitions took place both in St. Petersburg, and in Moscow, in Voronezh, Lipetsk, Belgorod, without considering provincial small towns. On a way to victories had many marks: the injured feet, sprains, even bruises, for some reason most often under eyes. Having visited the tournament which was taking place in Stary Oskol, mother very much wanted that the daughter finished with fights, having again become the representative of the weaker sex. And on the contrary it was pleasant to the father as his small daughter on parameters, skillfully avoiding near fight, winning against competitors from the different cities, rises by a pedestal step. - And on children fulfilled receptions? — I am interested at the girl.
- On trainings I often left face to face with guys one weight category. Once the guy from "rocking chair" told something in my address. I didn't sort the word, but on a mimicry understood that it not a compliment. And then I hit it. Not so strongly, but home it left with a shiner — Nadia told.
During trainings guys and girls from her section got acquainted with those who chose for itself(himself) free-style wrestling. It appeared, some receptions are quite applicable in ушу. The hope liked free-style wrestling, and she began to be engaged in two sections at the same time. Thus managed not bad to study. The higher education I got in SOF BelGU on economics department. With job search, however, it was necessary to roam. Slightly a depression didn't reach. Here so, you study, study, and to you offer work behind a counter … Now it seems, everything is stabilized. Leaves the house in twilight and comes back in darkness though even the winter didn't come. But the main thing — is work!
The Hope has many hobbies and without fight which decided to leave. Since the childhood it spins baubles, does bracelets, decorates jewelry. Thinks of participation in art markets.
Still seriously is fond of the photo. However, as quite often happens, it has no portfolio though participated in several photoshoots. Even during study it happened to earn additionally in a disco in cafe. Free time and for appointments is required. With Nadj's gentleman got acquainted in the sports hall. He was engaged in free-style wrestling and quickly enough took notice of it. But the girl didn't thaw. Passed some years of persistent courtings through the Internet and internally, through a cinema hall and cafe. And somewhere in February or March something clicked in soul of Nadezhda and understanding that near it "her guy" came.
- Quite smoothly it turned out … The feeling came — the girl shares impressions.
It is possible to tell that in her life now a white strip.
S. Glagolin.


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