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On the Gold Grand Prix a rate four four

Saturday, 16 November 2013, 11:02
On the Gold Grand Prix a rate four four

On November 22-24 in Baku will pass the Gold Grand Prix on wrestling, devoted to memory of Heydar Aliyev.

As reports azerisport.com, the strengthened preparation for this tournament is conducted also by the female national team of Azerbaijan. "Each trainer wishes that his team won on tournament. In view of absence the leader, we want to try a reserve. A little earlier our sportswomen took part on the Cup of the European nations, and I think that that experience will help them. Also we believe in Ratkevich's successful performance, Netreby, Zutova and Palamarchuka", - declared to the press service the head coach of team Yagub Mamedov.


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