'It is the sermon of normal life, instead of that which chooses youth, spending all the time in bars or near computers'
Archimandrite Sylvester (Lukashenko): "Defeat is given us then to win"
Sergey Pavlovich Lukashenko was born in 1952 in Leningrad. Graduated from faculty of applied mathematics and management of the Leningrad university. After service in army was the engineer, taught mathematics in Mining institute and studied in absentia in seminary. In 1983 it is imposed in a deacon dignity, the same year — in presviter then within ten years headed a number of arrivals of the Yaroslavl diocese. In 1986 accepted the monastic I cut. Since 1994 — the prior of the temple Andrey Stratilat in the village Sulost (The Rostov region of the Yaroslavl region). In 2003 it is built in a dignity of the archimandrite. Confessor of the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Rostov monastery. Chairman of church court of the Yaroslavl diocese, member of diocesan council, confessor of the diocesan spiritual and educational center "Yaroslavl Blagovestnik", chairman of the diocesan stavlennichesky commission.
In youth seriously was engaged in track and field athletics, fighting single combats, I was the champion of Leningrad on run on a hundred-meter race among young men, entered the youthful national team on sprint and on long jumps. Sports career was interrupted by a trauma.

The father Sylvester — the owner of a black belt (5 it is given) on taekwondo of ATF, the cochairman of the Union of National and not Olympic sports of Russia, the vice-president of the union of martial arts for the Yaroslavl region, the spiritual coach of the Russian union of martial arts, the confessor of special forces "Alpha" and other power structures. Was the confessor of Russian national team on not Olympic sports and the confessor of the Russian Olympic team at the XXX Games of the summer Olympic Games in London in 2012.
At the Olympic Games in Sochi the father Sylvester — in "a spiritual reserve".
"This time paper came from the Patriarchy that the Olympic Games will be served by the Krasnodar diocese. Wrote that I have to be ready if I suddenly am demanded, from February 3 to February 23" — the priest told.
Speaking about the spiritual help to athletes, the father Sylvester calls the main weapon a prayer:
"I pray for ours, I bless them, I talk. It can be confessions and simply conversations. Among our athletes there are a lot of sincerely believing people. I say to them that where it wasn't succeeded to win this time, the victory in the future will come. After all and defeat — business temporary. It is given us then to win".
Abbot Nikon (Polyakov): "Sports have to keep at a distance in hierarchy of values"
The deputy of St. Nicholas Monastery in Saratov. Was born 1973, graduated from the Moscow state pedagogical university, the Moscow spiritual seminary.

In youth was engaged in fight, was the candidate for the master of sports and the member of the national team of Moscow on sambo. After several years of trainings turned into judo where achieved a rank of the master of sports. Having come to Church, gradually changed the relation to sports, finished sports career and accepted the monastic I cut.
"Sports have to keep at a distance in hierarchy of values — the abbot Nikon speaks. — For example, if to me, the priest, the athlete comes and will ask, whether guilty to wish a champion's title — me it is necessary to approach to a question individually. How it compares for the sake of what lives — soul rescue — with that purpose which wants to reach in sports? If the championship for it — a passable stage if the victory doesn't require return of all spiritual and sincere forces, God to it in the help. But if he is ready to put for a champion's title soul to a devil … Whether it makes sense to play to the orthodox Christian sports? If it reached a certain level, and further to it offer a dope, isn't present. And if he honestly works — sports are capable to approach in any sense it to God".
Archpriest Alexander Novopashin: "Sports — my sermon"
The dean for the sake of the Saint blessed prince Alexander Nevsky in Novosibirsk, the founder of the Novosibirsk Brotherhood for the sake of Saint Alexander Nevsky, the head of information advice center concerning sectarianism. The director general of the Orthodox children's recreation camp for the sake of Saint Serafim Sarovsky, the head of the Man's orthodox community on rehabilitation of drug addicts for the sake of Saint Serafim Sarovsky. Screenwriter and director of movies "Change", "Tsar Bulgarian" and "It Does Not Concern Me", participant of the international film festivals.
Was born in 1962. Ended the Moscow theological seminary. Started playing sports at school – bodybuilding, then the Russian style of wrestling – Kadochnikov's style. Some years the priest are engaged in weightlifting (presses from a breast 120 kg) and powerlifting. Serious sports activities began after a serious illness in 2000.

"Me took out from hospital, it is possible to tell, in a wheelchair: I could it wasn't impossible go and speak plainly. But I didn't want to give up, a wheelchair – not for me. Here then I densely played sports and if not an illness, such sporting achievements which I have now, I wouldn't have, it is exact. To the decision seriously to play sports I was pushed by our children – rehabilitants, the former drug addicts who live and work in our orthodox communities. We together made the decision that there have to be some components of rehabilitation process: prayer, work and to fill leisure, sports activities" — are told by the priest.
On August 15 in Novosibirsk passed the powerlifting World Cup of 2013, a press of a bar lying and stanovy draft. The archpriest Alexander Novopashin became the silver prize-winner among veterans on the World Cup. The bronze award was received by the senior sexton of the Aleksandro-Nevsky of the temple, the master of sports of Russia in powerlifting Boris Levitan, the grandson of the well-known announcer.
"All my occupations: both sports, and cinema are my sermon. The trainer somehow told me that in a hall after I began to be engaged, children ceased to swear. Many athletes approach to me after classes and during them, ask to answer urgent problems. At my colleagues athletes the fear before priestly vestments disappears. Sadly, when in communication of the layman with the priest there is a constraining moment, the person can't cross through the fear, approach and talk on the patient for himself a subject" — the father Alexander speaks.
Priest Victor Kochmar: "Sports don't contradict religion"
The prior of the temple in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin of the village Chervonoarmeyskoye of the Bolgradsky region of Odessa region
Victor started being engaged in weightlifting of the lake in 1988 when it yet didn't serve in church. Before becoming the priest, Victor Kochmar managed to work in militia, from where voluntary left in a rank of the ensign in 2000. The priest is married, brings up two sons.
"I play sports long ago, it for me not in a novelty. And I went to church, how many I remember myself. All my grandmothers, native were people deeply believing. Houses always were the icons, all holidays and posts honored. Therefore my decision to serve God ripened not in one day" — the priest speaks.
Нa passed in May, 2011 in Izmail tournament of a name of Petr Mitaki the father Victor Kochmar established a world record on a bar press from situation lying according to the WDFPF version (the World Drug-free Federation of Powerlifting). Without special equipment the priest squeezed out 245 kg. Former world achievement in this version — 212,5 kg — was registered in Moscow in the championship of the world of the 2010th year. There are people who lifted a bar with a much bigger weight, but their achievements were registered at the competitions which regulations don't provide a doping test. The father Victor is the convinced opponent of "chemistry". To a regret, the record of the priest wasn't recorded by the international judicial board and remains informal. Нo y of the priest and without that is a lot of regalia. In a particular, it — the silver prize-winner of the World Cup-2010 in powerlifting according to the WDFPF version (bezekipirovochny option). "Gold" then didn't manage to be won because of a trauma. And in April, 2013, having squeezed out a bar weighing 220 kg, the father Victor became a winner in the weight category "140+" in the powerlifting championship of Ukraine passing in Krivoi Rog and a press lying.
"In a combination of religion and sports no contradictions can be. The person who in sports which goes the hard road of the professional athlete, makes titanic efforts. It is some kind of sermon. It is the sermon of normal life, instead of that which chooses youth, spending all the time in bars or near computers" — the father Victor speaks.
Priest Sergy Akimov: "Before fight I pray, that nobody to cripple"
The regular priest of the temple in honor of an icon of the Mother of God "Balykinskaya", the cities of Nelidovo, the Tver region (The Rzhev diocese).
Was born in 1978. Graduated from technical training college in Nelidov, the Smolensk theological seminary. Before acceptance of a dignity was engaged in fights without rules. Having come to Church, some years the father Sergy was engaged with children in hand-to-hand fight, carried them on competitions. Pupils of the priest won first place, but he didn't participate in fights. 2007 when the priest participated in the boxing championship of the Tver region became critical, won it and received the category of the candidate for the master of sports. In 2009 in Ryazan became the master of sports.

Photo: Valery Sharifulin
The debut of the father Sergiya in professional boxing took place on May 1, 2012. Behind shoulders at the priest he lost three tens fights, five of them. All fees for participation in fights go for temple construction in Nelidovo.
"Before fight I in own way ask God: the main thing that crippled nobody also itself I didn't become a cripple. To many priests of occupation of this sort don't allow, but me the lord Adrian, the bishop Rzhevsky and Toropetsky, resolved. Told that this good business. Here everything depends on the one who and that sees in boxing. One in it see a fight, and others — art, strength of mind" — the priest Sergy Akimov tells.
Priest Vasily Didenko: "Sports – a powerful tool of education"
The prior of the Aleksandro-Nevsky of the temple of the city of Khabarovsk, the head of diocesan department of interaction with Armed forces, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the head of the Center of preconscription training "Heroes" at the Aleksandro-Nevsky the temple.
The father Vasily was secretly from parents крещён in the childhood, but itself about it learned only at mature age. Graduated from the physical culture institute. In 1974 became the silver prize-winner Spartakiady of the people of Russia on boxing. Master of sports of the USSR in boxing.

More than twenty years the father Vasily trains children and youth on own system in which united personal experience, a technique of hand-to-hand fight of A.A. Kadochnikov, the principles of fighting acrobatics and an improving complex.
"Sports are a powerful tool of education, it tempers character. The condition of spirit of the athlete plays a key role for a victory. Today there is an understanding of that spiritless life brings into such deadlock, to leave from which it is almost impossible" — the priest speaks.
Priest Sergy Poperechny: "Only the belief can minimize the negative phenomena in sports"
The prior of the temple of the Saint prophet Eli in Barkovo's village of Pushkin district of the Moscow region.
Was born in 1973. Votserkovlen was since the childhood. From 11 years independently chose sports section of Greco-Roman wrestling. Graduated from the Moscow state academy of physical culture. Hirotonisan in 2000, and in 2006 ended the Kolomna theological seminary.

Master of sports of the international class in Greco-Roman wrestling, double champion of Russia, owner of the World Cup.
"In sports there are positive and negative moments. If the athlete really sincerely believes in God if has a firm spiritual midstream if it is conscientious, it is capable to control itself(himself), to regulate the difficult moments of the professional career. As it seems to me, only thus it is possible to minimize the negative phenomena in sports" — the father Sergy speaks.
Priest Andrey Ovchinnikov: "Occupations for a body shouldn't stir spiritual life"
Clergyman of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour of the city of Moscow.
Played sports about 15 years, at first swimming, then – water polo. Graduated State Central the Orders of Lenin from Institute of physical culture as a water polo coach-teacher. After the termination of institute began to be interested in Orthodoxy and it is conscious воцерковляться. Worked as the physical education teacher in an orthodox gymnasium. Finished the Moscow Theological Seminary, then – Spiritual Academy.

"In one row with sports it is possible to put occupations by music, business or policy … Whether all this is compatible to spiritual life? These kinds of activity of the person very strongly take. If we look at experience of ancient Christian devotees, we will see that they, generally were engaged in those occupations which didn't prevent to conduct spiritual life. And sports which occupation for a body is, very strongly excite passions. Unfortunately, the modern person who has been torn off from Church, the most part of the life serves the flesh, the lowest part of our nature which has left from under the power of soul Therefore I, with a big stretch, speak about compatibility of professional sports and Christian life" — the father Andrey speaks.
Priest Vasily Lyakh: "I try to help children"
The prior of the Vvedensky temple of of Bolkhov, the youngest priest in Oryol Livenskoy of a diocese.
Under impression of movies with Jackie Chan was fond of parkour – high-speed movement in the conditions of the city with overcoming of obstacles. I didn't leave sports and after dignity acceptance, having become one of founders of the Oryol team of street sports of "Autstrit". Trains youth and teenagers, gives lessons of parkour, street acrobatics and workout – gymnastic exercises on horizontal bars.

"Many say that work of the priest not really matches parkour. Here and the wife, for example, thought first that I after a wedding will give up parkour that all these childish sports. When it didn't occur, she some time even showed discontent – worried for me, was afraid of injuries. Nevertheless we could agree. It worked at Sunday school, paid much attention to children. I explained, something, than I am engaged, it honor the same – I try to help children. Thank God, it accepted it, now my occupations treats kindly. I met three lords who occupied recently chair of very pastors with Oryol Livenskoy of a diocese. All of them supported me" — the priest tells.