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Seniors set an example

Monday, 25 November 2013, 09:57
Seniors set an example

On November 23 in the Danish city Herning took place traditional international tournament "A cup of Friendship 2013 ″ (Venne Cup 2013) on Greco-Roman wrestling among young men and girls. 136 athletes took part in it from Denmark, Germany, Norway.

Young fighters competed in three age groups: children of 7-10 years, young men of 11-14 and 15-16 years. In the smallest group Rahman Magomadov from the German team of the Western Pomerania caused a stir. In the weight 32 kg he won two fights on "tushe" and one more against Daud Edisultanov from the Danish city of Nakskov. Rahman became a champion, and Daud the bronze prize-winner. In category 35 kg the second place was taken by Ibrahim Gunayev from Frederikskhovn. In group of athletes of 11-14 years in weight category  47 kg Turpal Bisultanov from Herninga very surely acted. Two rivals he defeated, and in the ending won against Emil Yokhansen from Kyoldinga in in view of a clear advantage. Silver medals won Imran and Arbi Isayev in, respectively, categories 35 and 42 of kg.
The senior young men acted best of all. In this group of 15-16 years was only three our compatriots and all of them became champions. Timur Marziyev from team of the Western Pomerania in category  54 kg the most difficult had a duel with clubmate Eric Yutessom. Our athlete won with the minimum advantage — 3:2. But with two other rivals Timur finished quickly, having laid them on shovels. In category 76 kg the success of the brother was repeated by Ilyas Marziyev who also won in four fights.
And in the weight 85 kg Raybek Bisultanov powerfully acted. He won three fights with a clear advantage, and one rival at all didn't begin to fight against it.


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