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Tula was visited wrestling by "a star descent"

Monday, 18 November 2013, 10:25
Tula was visited wrestling by

On November 16-17 in a gym of TULGU passed traditional tournament on Greco-Roman wrestling on prizes of Olympic champion Shamil Hisamutdinov

As we already reported, among guests of honor there were glorified wrestlers of the Greco-Roman style, repeated winners and prize-winners of the World Cups, Europe, Olympic Games. The principal characters on this holiday of sports gave exclusive interview to the correspondent of a portal of Myslo, having given the assessment to an event.
Aleksandr Karelin, the three-fold Olympic champion visited tournament opening on Greco-Roman wrestling.
- Alexander Aleksandrovich, our country always was famous for the wrestlers and in particular the Greco-Roman style where we are on leading line items in a pattern. Similar competitions in respect of education of worthy change to the titled athletes are how important?
- Are very important. And first of all their significance that they expand geography of participants of competitions, popularize our surprising, ancient sport. Unfortunately, today Greco-Roman wrestling in Tula region has not the best times. And after all once it showed a pattern of the phenomenal wrestler and talented trainer Shamil Hisamutdinov in honor of whom this tournament is held. I would like to tell gratitude words to the rector of university Mikhail Gryazev that provided a gym for carrying out this significant competition. It is a pity here only on tribunes for not a lot of audience.
- You on this tournament are present by Shamil Hisamutdinov's invitation?
- Yes, it is my high companion. I fought in a command which was headed by Shamil Shamshatdinovich. When he still itself was the operating athlete, I was small, but already then gathered about it cuttings from newspapers. And much later, when seriously I decided to be engaged in wrestling, from stories of his contemporaries I learned those receptions which were done by Hisamutdinov on a carpet as he brightly fought and I won.
- Such persons in sports on whom the younger generation can equal are how important?
- On examples of such people which the sporting achievements glorify the family, the city, the country and it is necessary to bring up future winners. Traditions shall be transferred from generation to generation, and sports in this plan not an exception. Hisamutdinov's tournament in this sense is very important.
- Alexander Aleksandrovich, you achieved outstanding results in sports, you are owners of all highest titles among wrestlers of the Greco-Roman style. You couldn't share success secrets with those who only begins the wrestling way?
- The main thing - to be afraid of nothing. Diligent to train and persistently to go to the purpose. In other words: "take more, throw further". And in our case, meaning wrestling terminology, throw.

Shamil Hisamutdinov, Olympic champion
Originally this tournament was held in Nodal where I once started being engaged in Greco-Roman wrestling. This year for the first time competitions were accepted by Tula. Thanks to Federation of Greco-Roman wrestling of Tula region, with support of administrations of the city and area everything was orderly at rather high level. It is pleasant that in the tournament our known wrestlers were which guests, in particular three-fold Olympic champion Aleksandr Karelin with whom managed to work in stay by the head coach of USSR national team, after Russia, the strong took part, on this age, athletes from other regions of the country. I think, these competitions will give a certain impetus to revival of this sport in the Tula region. For this purpose there are all premises and first of all good trainer's frames. Let's work and hope that already in the foreseeable future on the Tula earth new champions on Greco-Roman wrestling will grow.

Alexander Pisakin, president of Federation of Greco-Roman wrestling of Tula region
In my opinion, tournament turned out interesting. Rather serious level of athletes gave it special color. For example, the strongest youth composition known Moscow DYuSSh "Sparta" on Greco-Roman wrestling participated in these competitions. The majority of fights passed it is unpredictable and it is intense. I hope, these competitions will receive a constant registration in Tula. Moreover, competitions would like to give next year higher status, with possibility of execution by its participants of standards of the masters of sports of Russia. Special gratitude to a manual of the Tula state university which provided us the sports hall for carrying out this tournament. And that it passed at good organizational level, - a big merit of this educational institution. It is worth marking that for the last two-three years Greco-Roman wrestling in our region began "to come to life". And not only at regional center, but also in Novomoskovsk, Aleksin, Nodal, Don.  We already had three finalists of superiority of Russia, the winner of superiority of the Central federal district.  I think, we only at the beginning of a way and common efforts our region will be able to quit already soon on higher level. 
Sergey Degtyaryov, the winner of tournament on Greco-Roman wrestling on prizes of Hisamutdinov in weight category to 54 kg:

Sergey Degtyaryov
I for the third time took part in this tournament and I can tell that level of its participants from year to year grows. Certainly, in any fight disturbance, especially is felt when you fight under close attention of the glorified champions as it was this time. I am glad that preparation for these competitions wasn't in vain, and I managed to cope with emotions and to become the winner!

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