When on December 28, 1988 in a family of Sayd- Selim and Maliki Albiyevykh was born the boy called Islam-Bekom, hardly they assumed that to it the star destiny is prepared. But thus not without the bases calculated that its destiny will be happy and cloudless. Life in the Soviet Union though was far from ideal, but thus people felt the social security. And the ideology of a batch CPSU inspiring that "will be easier to live tomorrow, than today", did the part.
But literally in a year in the USSR the economic crisis which has provided in the total to a row of the international conflicts began, country disorder became a consequence of that. The war which has begun in December, 1994 in the Chechen Republic became a wreath of a short-sighted policy of a manual of Russia of that time. At the time of the beginning of military operations of Islam-Beku there were also no six years therefore it isn't necessary to speak about its happy childhood. But it took all burdens of a wartime wholly. Albiyev's house fully was destroyed so the family was stimulated to live at relatives on the suburb of Grozny in settlement Voykovo . This place is well-known for Palace of culture of railroad workers of N.K.Krupskaya in which the section of judo of the society "Locomotive" known far outside the republic registered. Exactly there to trainer Zelim Akhmadova also brought Islam-Beka in the summer of 1999 cousin Maliki - Movsar Ependiyev. Itself being the quite good fighter of freestyle, Movsar made out inclinations of the athlete in the bright boy. Besides, in addition to sports in the destroyed Grozny the youth also had nothing to be engaged. All this also defined further destiny of Islam-Beka Albiyev who though didn't become a judoist, but sports fell in love strong and any more didn't represent the life without it.