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Lorsanovy and Mitayevy divide medals

Thursday, 24 October 2013, 10:01
Lorsanovy and Mitayevy divide medals

On October 19 in the Norwegian city Shedsmu took place national tournament "A cup Shedsmu 2013 ″ on Greco-Roman wrestling among young men and juniors .

Among 236 participants there were many our compatriots who became prize-winners of tournament. First of all it should be noted Abdoul-Mahomed Davletukayev from wrestling club of Lorenskog. He acted in group of young men of 13-15 years in weight category  66 kg. In total Davletukayev carried out five fights. Four of them I won with a clear advantage with the score 12:0, 13:0 … And in the last at all I defeated the rival and became the champion of tournament. In group of juniors till 20 years in category  84 kg Islam Lorsanov from club "SP.09 ″ won three fights with a clear advantage, and one, against Islam Mitayev from club to "Askameraten" on points — 8:4. As a result Lorsanov became the champion of tournament, and Mitayev took the third place.

Among young men till 12 years by the highest step of a pedestal rose both Mitayev, and Lorsanov. In the weight  41 kg Hamzat Mitayev became the champion. The second place was taken by Abubakar Lorsanov who won two fights and lost only one Hamzata. And in category  45 kg the gold medal was won by Mohamed Lorsanov, without having given to rivals even the slightest chance of success. He won two fights on "tushe" and two in in view of a clear advantage. In the weight  30 kg two our athletes were on a pedestal, but, unfortunately, not on the highest step. Mahomed Edayev from Atlas club lost fight with Christopher Andersen from Halden and took the second place. But, I won against Mokhmat of Akhmedov who became the third. Also, bronze in the weight  33 kg was received by Ismail Dikayev who won two, and has lost two, two fights. In group of young men of 15-17 years our athletes took two silver. In category  63 kg it was made by Muslim Mitayev who has lost the only fight to Sebastian Aak from Kolbota. And in the weight  69 kg Dzhakhar Magomadov who suffered offensive defeat. He won against Daniel Melvold from Lorenskoga with the score 10:7, but got on reception and lost on "tushe". Except these champions and prize-winners, many children among whom prize-winning places but only technical training was estimated weren't played spoke at tournament. Let's call also their names: Islam Hatuyev, Denis Gaytukayev, Iza Isayev, Akram Abasov, Zelimkhan Hatuyev, Ali Isayev, Mahomed Shakhidov, Salim Abubakarov, Ismail Kadyrov, Ibrahim Vakhayev, Taram Shakhidov, Hussein Hamurzayev.



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