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The Yaroslavl pupils made charging with champions

Wednesday, 02 October 2013, 11:01
The Yaroslavl pupils made charging with champions

Warm-up before decisive fight children accepted the Yaroslavl athletes – the deserved master of sports on Greco-Roman wrestling Alexey Tarabarin and the master of sports of the international class on where Ivan Novikov.

Charging passed in a school No. 44 hall within the All-Russian action for a healthy lifestyle "Charging with the champion". School students jumped, did an extension, squatted and even hopped, repeating for wrestlers.
– We showed to children warm-up which we do before an exit to fight. Transferred these exercises straight from professional sports, – Alexey Tarabarin explained. – I am always glad to carry out charging: children have a mass of energy and enthusiasm.
Pupils of local cadet classes participated in charging with champions also.
– Charging was pleasant to me, was great! – first grader Dasha shared impressions. – Exercises weren't so difficult to be repeated – I go in for gymnastics.
Photo by Irina Pichugina


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