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The holiday of wrestling was successful

Thursday, 26 September 2013, 11:27
The holiday of wrestling was successful

In the past weekend in sport center "Meliorator" passed the next tournament on the Greco-Roman wrestling, devoted to memory of Hero of the Soviet Union P. A.Galetskogo.

For last year these competitions were included in an official calendar of the Belarusian federation of wrestling and this time wore the status of open republican tournament. However, while the involvement in it was restricted to only young athletes blue-eyed, but thus on a visit to us there arrived the wrestlers of our country strongest in the age 2000 — 2002 year of birth representing practically all regions of Belarus.

It is pleasant that every year the number of participants of competitions grows. In the past weekend on a wrestling mat in "Reclamation expert" there were representatives of 18 commands, is 3 more, than a year ago. The number of young athletes became record also — them gathered 170. And it only for the fourth year of existence of tournament that speaks about high recognition of starts in wrestling circles.

— We arrived here for the second time — the trainer from Svetlogorsk Alexander Maladyanov speaks — and again remained are happy literally with everything. By the way, none of my colleagues who have visited tournament in Tolochin at least once, didn't refuse further the invitation. And some, on the contrary, aim to appear among invited. Base to that high level of competitions and heartiest welcome of its participants.

Colourful opening ceremony became the card of starts of wrestlers in our city also. As well as a year ago, the teacher of the Slavensky high school bearing a name P.A.Galetskogo, Galina Vasilyevna Shnyrko perfectly coped with her organization and carrying out. In the help it attracted the pupils led by the teacher of physical culture of the same school Nikolay Mikhaylovich Sherstnev, invited dancing collectives of Centre of children and youth and kokhanov-sky school of arts. Together they created everything, without exaggeration, the present looking on one breathing a show. Presence of descendants of Peter Antonovich on it Galetsky — grandson Sergey Evgenyevich Romanchuk and his son Sergey, the great-grandson of the hero living nowadays in Kokhanovo became the snap of opening ceremony also.

— It is pleasantly surprised with such relation to wrestling in the region from the side and its manual, and simple inhabitants — the representative who was present at competitions of the Belarusian federation of wrestling Anatoly Mikhaylovich Kudryashov marked in conversation. — This fact also because I a kind I from Tolochin is twice pleasant to me. Today I met here the people with all the heart supporting this sport. Surely upon return to Minsk I will tell in federation about the seen. The similar initiative bringing besides and good result, shan't remain without our support, including financial.

By the way, similar impressions took away with themselves and other guests of tournament. And it was promoted by the high level of the organization and carrying out competitions that became far not least possible thanks to the effective help of sponsors of tolochinsky wrestlers — directors of ChUP "Yucca plus" Vladimir Eduardovich Kamlyuk and his brother of the director of ChPTUP Dmitry's "KDM-service", individual entrepreneur Alexander Nikolaevich Kowalewski, and also the principal of the Minsk firm "Belpromeks", partner Vladimir Eduardovich in business, Mikhail Sergeyevich Belanovich.

The fascinating duels of young wrestlers on a carpet were given also. Athletes of 2000 — 2002 year of birth carried dispute for a victory in eight weight categories, two more were assigned them to higher companions who were born in 1998-1999. Our fellow countrymen already accustomed the fans to victories on different starts, they pleased in the majority and this time.

There is a wish to mark and appearing in the easiest weight category, to 29 kilograms, Ivan Tribendis's who has shown the real will to win tolochinets. In a semi-final the young athlete got very much the strong rival from Vitebsk, but our fellow countryman, conceding on points practically throughout all wrestling, managed to break nevertheless its course and in the ending inclined a bowl of scales in own favor. In a final duel he from the very beginning took the initiative and for a second didn't give a reason to doubt the superiority. As a result in a minute the judge stated an early victory of Vanya for whom this success became the first to that at competitions of this level.

The most flatter words deserves as well the Artem Murtazayev who has ascended to the upper step of a podium in weight category to 42 kilograms among young men of 1998-1999 year of birth. A year ago our fellow countryman went to enhance the skill in Vitebsk school of the Olympic reserve, but situation change as sometimes happens in similar cases, didn't do it good — results of the young man began to fall. Having noted it, the trainer of tolochinsky wrestlers Igor Fedorovich Galuzo suggested it to come back home, and in the spring Artem followed this advice. Didn't pass also half a year as it found again sporting passion, ease of movement on a carpet, and together with it victories returned to it also.

One more "gold" in reporting tournament in Nikolay Kamlyuk's who has confirmed the last year's success who has appeared more strongly than the rivals in the heaviest weight category score, to 85 kilograms.

— Nikolay reminds me our compatriot of the bronze prize-winner of Olympic Games in Sydney to Dmitry Debelk — shares, watching behind a duel of the tolochinsky wrestler, Anatoly Kudryashov. — Both the constitution, and a behavior manner on a carpet. I think, it can have a good future in sports. Pleases that in Tolochin there are such talented young men, in what, naturally, a considerable merit of trainer Igor Galuzo, the real fan of the business.

Except the three first places on the account of our fellow countrymen two "silver" and four "bronze". The second became Alexander Kolachev and Denis Redkin, to the third step of a podium there ascended Ivan Shutov, Maxim Uglov, Nikita Bychkov and his namesake Nikita Kozlowski. And in weight category to 32 kilograms tolochinets took practically all prize-winning places of the final protocol, having given to rivals only one, however, the most upper.

The aggregate result of our wrestlers — nine medals, is one more, than a year ago. And it can be considered as undoubted success, and taking into account much increased number of participants — doubly that.

In a year wrestlers will gather again in Tolochin to open the next season. Let's hope that turns of competition collecting from year to year will continue the progressive development. Especially as waiting of pleasant surprises already within anniversary, the fifth, tournament was preceded in talk by the same Anatoly Mikhaylovich Kudryashov.



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