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The hall of glory of FILA will replenish with ten names

Thursday, 22 August 2013, 09:19
The hall of glory of FILA will replenish with ten names

During the World Cup in Budapest will take place introduction ceremony in the Hall of glory of FILA of outstanding athletes and the sports figures who have made a contribution to development of wrestling .

Ten people received this honor.
Alexander Ivanitsky (Russia) — the wrestler of freestyle, the Olympic champion-1964, the quadruple world champion.
Sergey Kornilayev (Russia) — the bronze prize-winner of Olympic Games-1980, the quadruple world champion.
Victor Igumenov (Russia) — the wrestler of the Greco-Roman style, the fivefold world champion.
Elbrus Tedeev (Ukraine) — the wrestler of freestyle, the Olympic champion-2004, bronze prize-winner Games-1996, the triple world champion.
Shamil Serikov (Kazakhstan) — the wrestler of the Greco-Roman style, the Olympic champion-1980, the double world champion.
Ferenc Kochish (Hungary) — the wrestler of the Greco-Roman style, the Olympic champion-1980, the owner of gold, silver and bronze medals of the World Cups.
Irina Merleni (Ukraine) — the Olympic champion-2004, bronze prize-winner Games-2008, the triple world champion and twice the silver prize-winner of these competitions.
Carol Hyuin (Canada) — the Olympic champion-2008, bronze prize-winner Games-2012, the owner of one silver and three bronze medals of the World Cups. 
Tomash Gaspar (Hungary) — the wrestler of the Greco-Roman style, the world champion and three times the silver prize-winner of these competitions. As the director of Federation of wrestling of Hungary directed the organization of 15 large competitions in the area of FILA.
Marian Nobs (Switzerland) — FILA referee, worked at five Olympic Games and 38 World Cups, in 2000 is awarded by the Gold whistle of FILA.


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