Training took place in a project framework "School — the Sports Territory"
In the sports hall of DYuSSh No. 31 there took place open training on Greco-Roman wrestling within the All-Russian project "School — the Sports Territory", transfers on Monday, June 24, ER.RU.
Training was carried out by the master of sports of the USSR on Greco-Roman wrestling, the participant of the project Robert Bikbulatov. He trains fighters aged from 8 till 17 years. His pupils already became prize-winners of the All-Russian competitions and winners of superiority of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
"Occupations by Greco-Roman wrestling develops force, endurance, dexterity, speed of reaction and coordination of movements, flexibility and very important for any wrestler acrobatic skills", - Bikbulatov told.
Upon termination of training the coordinator of "United Russia" on development of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Bashkortostan, the fourteenfold world champion in a kickboxing and martial arts of Gabdullin told Vil to children about the project "School — the Sports Territory" and handed over to trainer Bikbulatov a memorable gift for promotion and Greco-Roman wrestling promoting on behalf of the deputy of the State Duma Saliya Murzabayeva.