While officials from big-time sports conduct debate round absurd idea, will exclude or not wrestling from the program of Olympic Games, wrestlers continue competitions.
The other day in Shymkent passed the XX republican tournament on Greco-Roman wrestling of memory of the academician deserved the trainer of Kazakhstan and the master of sports of the USSR. Zholdybay Tokbayev acting in weight category of 55 kg became the main champion of this tournament. It also took the main prize of competitions: "iron horse" – "VAZ-2114" car.
Whether it is possible to become in sports the champion without the trainer? Probably, such cases are. And still the majority train under supervision of instructors. The champion of ended tournament Zholdybaya Tokbayev was brought up by the trainer – the master of sports of the international class on Greco-Roman wrestling, the quadruple owner of the World Cup, the double champion of the USSR Bisolt Detsiyev. In turn, Bisolt is the pupil of two trainers – Mardan Saparbayev and Vladimir Koshelev, the deserved trainers of the USSR and PK. It turns out, continuity.
Interestingly how they met. There was it in 2010 in Almaty during the next tournament. Joltybay, CSKA serving then in a sport company, found in Detsiyev's hall and asked: "You can take me in pupils? ", on what that answered: "If you seriously intend to be engaged why and isn't present. Serve, come back home, and there we will look! " The matter is that by then there went to Russia former instructor Zholdybaya – Tkachenko, and the young man was in confusion – to continue to be engaged or leave big-time sports. And here such meeting which has become the fatal...
Certainly, he began to be engaged seriously. Together with the trainer I fulfilled and continues to fulfill tactics of trainings, possible loadings, a diet, restoration after traumas, and the main thing – they conduct the conversations, which purpose – a spirit on an unconditional victory. Why the unconditional? Because in wrestling, however, as well as everywhere, there are a lot of behind-the-scenes games. And unconditional advantage gives to the athlete chance that it after all won't condemn – isn't pushed.
Start being engaged in wrestling of one thousand children, there are hundreds, units become champions only. Main "ingredient" of the winner is known is the will to win, a spirit, there is a beautiful Kazakh analog – "namus" (honor).
Once, only having started being engaged in wrestling, Bisolt Detsiyev began to keep the diary in which argued, carried on dialogue with... by itself, once he wrote down: "It is impossible to give even a small weak point to the soul! Otherwise you will be gone". In Zholdybaye Bisolt Osmanovich felt sports character. Here is how he speaks about the pupil: "You would see how he trains! On a belt hangs up a metal pancake weighing 15 kilograms and does to 20 pullings up on a horizontal bar. Indispensable condition of trainings – a lasagna on a rope on 10-meter height without feet, and so – three times in a row. Believe, it is very difficult! " And still there are occupations by tennis which help to train speed of reaction, run, soccer, the swimming, "working" for elasticity of the athlete. And so six days in a week train the wrestler from 9 to 11 mornings, and with 17.00 till 21.00. Though after competitions also celebrate winner athletes, but as they and admit, the victory is a result of work of the whole team: trainers, doctors, massage therapists. And still wrestlers are supported by their families, at Zholdybaya it is mother with the father, the little sister and two brothers.
Since fall of last year Zholdybay Tokbayev – the diplomaed trainer of YuKO of child junior sports school of the Olympic reserve of single combats, directs which master of sports of the USSR, deserved trainer of RK Nikolay Stavitsky. That is he is a playing trainer. "In case of gatherings of pupils of Zholdybaya other trainers conduct, at us is so got, – Detsiyev explains. – As Zholdybay when it is free from competitions" arrives also.
Wrestling – the most ancient sport. I am interested, whether wrestling rules often change. It became clear that literally on May 18 in Moscow the exit committee of the International federation of wrestling of FILA claimed not only the new chairman — Nenad Lalovich, but also new rules of conducting wrestling – two periods for three minutes (earlier there were three periods for two minutes) plus will be to become engrossed in reading all points. And these rules on a hand to our heroes – are time to prove to be.
I am interested at the wrestler and his trainer in plans for the future. The ultimate goal – to get and win on Olympic Games-2016 which will take place in Rio de Janeiro. The next plans – collecting in Mariupol, participation in the international tournament under the auspices of FILA – the International federation of wrestling, further university games in Kazan. Joltybay – the member of combined RK, 30 wrestlers, six of which South Kazakhstan citizens enter into it.
While talked to athletes, time eight approached to us any beautiful people and congratulated them on a recent victory. It appeared, too wrestlers. That, the athlete gradually starts getting used to glory, recognition on the street. I foretell to it that, probably, years so through five in honor of it, the champion, will call newborn boys. Joltybay in reply knowingly smiles and says the following: "And you know why I have such name? I after all on "fast" was born! It arrived for mother, and I didn't begin to wait long – was born in ways".