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7 medals from Tehran and Makhachkala

Wednesday, 29 May 2013, 10:51
7 medals from Tehran and Makhachkala

The national teams of Georgia on the Greco-Roman and free-style wrestling speak at the tournaments provided by their plans on preparation for the World Cup.

On last days off Greco-Romans acted in Tehran, on the Cup Yadegar Imam and won 4 medals. To Kemal Harabadze (60 kg), Ilya Gulbatashvili (74 kg) and Revaz Nadareishvili (84 kg) to a champion's title didn't suffice on one victory, and Tariyel Ebralidze (66 kg) was content with a bronze medal.

Wrestlers tried the forces on a Makhachkala carpet, on traditional international tournament of a name of Ali Aliyev and came back home with three bronze medals. Murtaz Kvesadze (55 kg), Jacob Makarashvili (74 kg) and Elizbar Odikadze (96 kg) rose by a pedestal.

Trainers of the national teams of Georgia of Flocks Tatishvili and Revaz Mindorashvili included in demands for these tournaments generally the second and third numbers. Skilled and more titled wrestlers will be given opportunity to prove allegedly on the next international tournaments. Before, at the end of June, the Cup of Georgia will be played and the structure on the World Cup will be defined following the results of the internal competition and the international tournaments.

The main competition of a season will take place on September 16-22 in Budapest.

Maglakelidze's flocks


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