At a seminar in Astana where the decision of the International Olympic committee to exclude wrestling from the Olympic program was discussed, the Kazakhstan experts were unanimous in the opinion: it can't be done …
Members of the top management of "TSE Consulting" Lars Pedersen and Caroline Andersen appeared guests of the capital. Their company is engaged in FILA presentation (The international federation of the integrated styles of wrestling) concerning wrestling preservation in the program of Olympic Games. This event is held on different continents of the world for the purpose of thematic poll of the groups supporting wrestling.
From the Kazakhstan party Olympic champion-1980 Zhaksylyk Ushkempirov, the head coach of a national team of Kazakhstan took part in meeting in Greco-Roman wrestling Tanat Sagyndykov, Olympic champion-1996 Yury Melnichenko, the quadruple champion of Asia George Tsurtsumy, representatives of Confederation of combat sports and power sports, and also many other experts.
All of them were categorically against an exception of wrestling of the Olympic program, having called it the beginning of the end of sport so popular around the world.
Also mister Pedersen suggested Kazakhstan to play friendly matches against other national teams. So-called, "a wall on a wall". On what our experts answered that for domestic wrestling it isn't a know-how. According to them, in the 70-80th years similar sparrings took place to be, "but for some reason somehow unexpectedly stopped". Whether it is possible to restore it? Ushkempirov and the company don't see in it any problem.
Further guests took an interest as domestic experts look at uniting Greco-Roman wrestling with the manumission. Pier, in their opinion when fans and journalists see duels, all of them equally don't distinguish which is a type of wrestling.
Yury Melnichenko and all present, categorically disagreed with such conclusion. "Each of these types is fine the identity", - told Melnichenko. – "They can't be united also because both there, and there are a lot of own receptions of conducting wrestling and rule different. And then, the real fan will always distinguish, where Greek-Roman and where free-style wrestling", - I declared in conclusion of Melnichenko.
Summing up the held seminar, all its participants came to that it is necessary to carry out active promotion of wrestling through mass media.
Let's remind, the executive committee of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) recommended to exclude wrestling from the Olympic program. At meeting of this body on February 12 wrestling wasn't included in the list of main types of sports of Olympic Games of 2020. On May 29 in St. Petersburg executive committee meeting the IOC on which presentations of eight sports applying for inclusion in the program of summer Olympic Games of 2020 were considered took place. Following the results of multistage vote wrestling, baseball and squash were recommended for session the IOC which will take place on September 7 in Buenos Aires (Argentina). Session will define the IOC one of three offered types who will be included into the program of Olympic Games-2020.