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The seminar of FILA will take place in Astana

Wednesday, 26 June 2013, 11:01
The seminar of FILA will take place in Astana

On June 27 to Astana will arrive Lars Pederson and Caroline Andersen. They are the managing director and the director of the company of "TSE Consulting" which is engaged in FILA presentation concerning saving of wrestling in the program of Olympic Games

The presentation will take place at meeting the IOC in September, 2013 in Buenos Aires. The purpose of their arrival to hold a seminar meeting for domestic experts of wrestling, FBRK press service reports.

This event is held on different continents of the world for the purpose of subject inquiry of groups supporting wrestling.

As at a seminar the vice-chairman of Agency on affairs of sports and physical culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan will take part in Astana Elsiyar Kanagatov, Olympic champion Zhaksylyk Ushkempirov, the head coach of a national team of Kazakhstan on Greco-Roman wrestling Tanat Sagyndykov, representatives of the Confederation of combat sports and force sports and many other experts of wrestling.

Let's remind, the executive committee of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) recommended to exclude wrestling from the Olympic program. At meeting of this organ on February 12 wrestling wasn't included in the list of main types of sports of Olympic Games of 2020. On May 29 in St. Petersburg executive committee meeting the IOC on which presentations of eight sports claiming for switching on in the program of summer Olympic Games of 2020 were considered took place. Following the results of multistage vote wrestling, baseball and squash were recommended for session the IOC which will take place on September 7 in Buenos Aires (Argentina). Session will define the IOC one of three offered types who will be included into the program of Olympic Games-2020.


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