Mikhail Mamiashvili: I think, members of executive committee the IOC generally decided on the choice, and presentations will affect their decision only slightly
In St. Petersburg the International convention of SportAccord – global sports and political action within which pass meetings of all largest sports organizations continues work. On May 29 at meeting of executive committee of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) presentations of eight sports applying for inclusion in the program of summer Olympic Games of 2020 will take place. The president of Federation of wrestling of Russia, the member of bureau of the International federation of the integrated styles of wrestling (FILA), Olympic champion Mikhail Mamiashvili shared expectations with the special correspondent of Agency of sports information "All sports".
- I hope that work which was done for the last weeks, won't be vain, - Mikhail Mamiashvili told. – Already in the Greco-Roman wrestling championship which has come to the end two days ago of Russia new, more dynamic rules were tested. Tomorrow at executive committee meeting the IOC will take place presentation of eight sports applying for inclusion in the program of summer Olympic Games of 2020. We believe that wrestling will receive necessary recommendations.
- Everything was made to keep Olympic Games?
- I will tell more – the impossible was made!
- On tomorrow's executive committee the IOC wrestling will hold presentation - penultimate, the seventh. It is good?
- As Stierlitz spoke: "The last is remembered" (smiles). And if it is serious, I think that members of executive committee the IOC generally decided on the choice, and presentations of sports will affect their decision only slightly. It will be easy addition, than globally important point at a sport choice for inclusion in the Olympic Games-2020 program rather.